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The Real World - Freelancing
by Professor Dylan Madden

The Real World - Freelancing
by Professor Dylan Madden

The Real World - Freelancing
by Professor Dylan Madden

Learn the Secrets of successful Freelancing, Whether

You're a Beginner or an Experienced Freelancer.

Learn the Secrets of successful Freelancing, Whether

You're a Beginner or an Experienced Freelancer.

Learn the Secrets of successful Freelancing, Whether

You're a Beginner or an Experienced Freelancer.

90,254+ have already changed their Lives with Freelancing.

90,254+ have already changed

their Lives with Freelancing.

90,254+ have already changed

their Lives with Freelancing.

Financial Freedom

Build A 6 Figure Business Anywhere In The World

Build A 6 Figure Business Anywhere In The World

Discover the power of freelancing and how it can provide you with the freedom and financial stability you desire. Whether you're looking to escape the 9-to-5 grind or earn extra income on the side, freelancing offers endless opportunities.

Discover the power of freelancing and how it can provide you with the freedom and financial stability you desire. Whether you're looking to escape the 9-to-5 grind or earn extra income on the side, freelancing offers endless opportunities.

Why Freelance?

Why Freelance?

Gain control over your time and income by becoming a successful freelancer.

Gain control over your time and income by becoming a successful freelancer.

Unleash Potential

Unleash Potential

Tap into your skills and passions to create a thriving freelance career.

Tap into your skills and passions to create a thriving freelance career.

Professor Dylan Madden
Professor Dylan Madden
Professor Dylan Madden

Personalized Freelancer Roadmap:
A Step-by-Step Guide to Success

Personalized Freelancer Roadmap:
A Step-by-Step Guide to Success

Master the Art of Freelancing: Learn How to Find High-Paying Clients, Manage Projects Effectively, and Succeed in This Competitive Industry


Choose the right freelance niche

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam nisl sit amet lacus volutpat, vitae commodo odio tincidunt. Suspendisse libero purus, tincidunt in massa vel, eleifend aliquet mi. Sed erat lorem, posuere quis dolor ullamcorper, posuere bibendum arcu. Donec lacinia rutrum nibh faucibus malesuada. Quisque non aliquam nibh, quis laoreet magna. Morbi blandit ex sed lorem blandit interdum.


Identify your target audience

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam nisl sit amet lacus volutpat, vitae commodo odio tincidunt. Suspendisse libero purus, tincidunt in massa vel, eleifend aliquet mi. Sed erat lorem, posuere quis dolor ullamcorper, posuere bibendum arcu. Donec lacinia rutrum nibh faucibus malesuada. Quisque non aliquam nibh, quis laoreet magna. Morbi blandit ex sed lorem blandit interdum.


Develop your skills and expertise

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam nisl sit amet lacus volutpat, vitae commodo odio tincidunt. Suspendisse libero purus, tincidunt in massa vel, eleifend aliquet mi. Sed erat lorem, posuere quis dolor ullamcorper, posuere bibendum arcu. Donec lacinia rutrum nibh faucibus malesuada. Quisque non aliquam nibh, quis laoreet magna. Morbi blandit ex sed lorem blandit interdum.


Build a strong portfolio

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam nisl sit amet lacus volutpat, vitae commodo odio tincidunt. Suspendisse libero purus, tincidunt in massa vel, eleifend aliquet mi. Sed erat lorem, posuere quis dolor ullamcorper, posuere bibendum arcu. Donec lacinia rutrum nibh faucibus malesuada. Quisque non aliquam nibh, quis laoreet magna. Morbi blandit ex sed lorem blandit interdum.


Market your services and find clients

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam aliquam nisl sit amet lacus volutpat, vitae commodo odio tincidunt. Suspendisse libero purus, tincidunt in massa vel, eleifend aliquet mi. Sed erat lorem, posuere quis dolor ullamcorper, posuere bibendum arcu. Donec lacinia rutrum nibh faucibus malesuada. Quisque non aliquam nibh, quis laoreet magna. Morbi blandit ex sed lorem blandit interdum.


Choose the right freelance niche

  1. Research different freelance niches. What are the most popular niches? What are the most profitable niches? What are the trends in the freelance industry? Once you have a list of potential niches, do some research to learn more about them.

  2. Talk to other freelancers who are already working in the niches you are interested in. Get their advice on choosing a niche and succeeding as a freelancer.

  3. Analyze the Competition. Who are your competitors? What are they doing well? What are they doing poorly? Analyze your competitors to identify opportunities where you can stand out from the crowd.

  4. Choose a niche that you are passionate about and have some expertise in. This is the most important factor to consider when choosing a freelance niche. If you are not passionate about your niche, you will be less likely to succeed.


Identify your target audience

  1. Consider your freelance niche. Who are the people who most likely need your services? For example, if you are a freelance writer, your target audience might be businesses that need content for their website or blog.

  1. Research your target audience. What are their demographics (age, gender, location, income, etc.)? What are their interests? What are their pain points (the problems that they are facing)? You can use market research tools, social media, and industry surveys to learn more about your target audience.

  2. Create a buyer persona. A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer. It can help you to better understand your target audience and create content and marketing campaigns that are relevant to them. To create a buyer persona, answer questions such as: What is their name? What is their age? What is their job title? What are their goals? What are their challenges?

Hone your SKills

Develop your skills and expertise

  1. Take courses and workshops. There are many online and in-person courses and workshops that can teach you new skills and help you to improve your existing skills.

  2. Read books and articles. There are many books and articles available on a variety of freelance topics. Reading about freelancing can help you to learn new skills and strategies.

  3. Practice your skills. The best way to improve your skills is to practice them regularly. Try to find opportunities to practice your skills, even if you are not yet a paid freelancer.


Build a strong portfolio

  1. Include your best work in your portfolio. Only include work that you are proud of and that represents your skills accurately.

  2. Tailor your portfolio to your target audience. Choose pieces that are relevant to the types of clients you want to work with.

  3. Get feedback on your portfolio. Ask friends, family, or other freelancers to review your portfolio and give you feedback.

Client Acquisiton

Market your services and find clients

  1. Create a website or blog. A website or blog is a great way to showcase your portfolio and market your services.

  2. Be active on social media. Use social media to connect with potential clients and promote your services.

  3. Network with other freelancers. Attend industry events and connect with other freelancers online and offline.

  4. Cold DM potential clients. Cold DMing can be an effective way to find new clients, but it is important to do it in a professional and respectful way.

What are the benefits of
joining the Accelerator Program?

What are the benefits of joining the accelerator Program?

Access to our Mobile App

Access to our Mobile App

Value: Priceless - we've invested over $200k+ in building an app for you

Value: Priceless - we've invested over $200k+ in building an app for you

- The Moneybag Mindset course - your current mindset is not the mindset you need to achieve success, but we can fix that on day 1.

- Learn how to monetize any skill (such as copywriting, video editing, web design, or AI), identify the most profitable niches, find and close clients, and build a location-independent business.

- Get 24/7 support from my team of experts who are available in every time zone, and from me personally, who is inside the app 10 hours a day.

- The Moneybag Mindset course - your current mindset is not the mindset you need to achieve success, but we can fix that on day 1.

- Learn how to monetize any skill (such as copywriting, video editing, web design, or AI), identify the most profitable niches, find and close clients, and build a location-independent business.

- Get 24/7 support from my team of experts who are available in every time zone, and from me personally, who is inside the app 10 hours a day.

Picture of the App
Picture of the App
Picture of the App
Picture of Professor Dylan Madden working
Picture of Professor Dylan Madden working
Picture of Professor Dylan Madden working

24/7 Support

Value: $800 per hour - $3,200 if you used this 1 time a week for a month

Everyone can succeed if they have the right knowledge and support. The problem with most online courses is that they leave you to fend for yourself after you complete them. We've revolutionized online education by providing 24/7 support from a coach who has been there before, and a community of hand-picked students who are ready to help you every step of the way.

Weekly Calls + All Recordings

The Freelancer Accelerator Program includes weekly live calls on a variety of topics, including how to monetize AI, copywriting tips, video editing styles for viral videos, and live AMAs. If you can't make it to a call, you'll get lifetime access to all recordings from the past and present. You can scroll through the recordings and join in on the lectures at your convenience.

Picture of Professor Dylan Madden speaking to Andrew Tate
Picture of Professor Dylan Madden speaking to Andrew Tate
Picture of Professor Dylan Madden speaking to Andrew Tate

See how our Students are changing their Lives

See how our Students are changing their Lives

Hear what our clients have to say about our Freelancing module

Thank you for your teachings Dylan. I made $3000 yesterday as commission from one of my clients. I moved out from my moms and bought a car. Everything is going up

Absolutely amazing! What is advertised is a complete understatement. I learned so much in such a little time! Mindset, health and life is changing quickly for the better.



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Join the Content Creation + AI Campus



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The price will increase to $147 a month, it’s your last chance.

Hundreds of thousands of students have already joined Hustlers University and are on their way to financial freedom. Join now before the price increases to $147 a month. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

The price will increase to $147 a month, it’s your last chance.

Hundreds of thousands of students have already joined Hustlers University and are on their way to financial freedom. Join now before the price increases to $147 a month. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How soon can I expect to see returns on my investment?

It all boils down to how much skin you’re willing to put in the game with The Real World. Yet, it's worth noting that a hefty number of our students have successfully recouped their investment in just a matter of weeks.

Will I require additional funds after joining The Real World?

Is it possible to terminate my membership at any given time?

Is there any age restriction for joining?

I have no prior knowledge of the skills you provide instruction on. Will this hinder my progress?

I'm quite pressed for time; is it still feasible for me to participate?

I reside in X country; will that pose any issues?

Is there a difference between Hustler’s University and The Real World?